Real Reform Amendment as passed by the New Hampshire House of Representatives February 9, 2017 by a vote of 211 to 75



A RESOLUTION calling on the United States Senate and House of Representatives to consider a constitutional amendment prohibiting campaign contributions unless the donor is eligible to vote in that federal election.

SPONSORS: Rep. McConnell, Ches. 12; Rep. Read, Rock. 17; Rep. O’Day, Ches. 11; Rep. Oxenham, Sull. 1; Rep. Darrow, Graf. 17

COMMITTEE: State-Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs

ANALYSIS This resolution calls on the United States Senate and House of Representatives to consider a constitutional amendment prohibiting campaign contributions unless the donor is eligible to vote in that federal election.

HR 7 – AS INTRODUCED 17-0164 03/01 STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Seventeen A RESOLUTION calling on the United States Senate and House of Representatives to consider a constitutional amendment prohibiting campaign contributions unless the donor is eligible to vote in that federal election. Whereas, the Real Reform Amendment is a proposed federal constitutional amendment providing that: No campaign contributions may be made to any federal primary or general election campaign unless the donor, at the time of said contribution, is eligible to vote in that election. Organizations or individuals located outside the federal jurisdiction holding a given election may not engage in paid advertising by any means of communication, and may not provide paid personnel, or volunteers ineligible to vote in the election whose expenses are reimbursed. These organizations may, however, notify their membership of their endorsement or opinions of candidates by any non-public means of communication without restriction. State or regional affiliates of such organizations whose area of responsibility includes the federal jurisdiction holding the election, may publicly endorse and provide non-financial support to federal candidates. An individual’s donated time under this amendment will not be considered a contribution. Nothing in this amendment may restrict the offering of opinions on the merits of individual candidates, political issues, or any other matter bearing upon a campaign by any publicly accessible news organization or forum, or restrict the offering of opinions by members of the general public now; therefore, be it Resolved by the House of Representatives: That the house of representatives calls on the United States Senate and House of Representatives to consider the Real Reform Amendment. That the house clerk forward a copy of this resolution to the members of the New Hampshire Congressional Delegation.


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