Real Reform Amendment FAQs

Real Reform Amendment FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: How does the Real Reform Amendment differ from other proposals?

Answer: The Real Reform Amendment favors no party or interest group, nor does it necessitate any stance for or against other proposals. Because the Real Reform Amendment limits political contributions to those eligible to vote in their federal jurisdiction, it empowers voters in each state and congressional district by eliminating the ability of interests outside that state or congressional district to financially influence federal candidates.

Question: Does the Real Reform Amendment limit the amount a voter in their state or congressional district can contribute to a candidate?

Answer: No, there is no change to the amount a voter is limited to contributing to a candidate in his or her state or congressional district. Currently, the Federal Election Commission sets the allowable limit an individual voter can contribute. In 2020, that limit is $2,800 to primary candidates and $2,800 to general election candidates. Because the Real Reform Amendment eliminates Political Action Committees and Independent Expenditures, the limits set by the Federal Election Committee would apply to all contributions.

Question: If I understand the Real Reform Amendment properly, it prohibits Political Action Committees, Independent Expenditures, and any contributions except the above noted $2,800 contributions made by a constituent voter. Is that correct?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Do these limits apply to races for governor, state senator, state representative, county office, and/or municipal office?

Answer: No, these limits only apply to federal races. Each state has the ability to establish its own laws limiting contributions to those races.

Question: How would these limits affect a presidential race?

Answer: The Real Reform Amendment limits contributions to those voters eligible to vote for president. Just as it is now, voters would be permitted to contribute up to the amount set by the Federal Election Commission. That is to say $2,800 to primary candidates and $2,800 to general election candidates.

For further information contact  Jim McConnell at

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